Improving School Environments

Efforts to improve school environments to support healthy eating and active living


School-based programs to increase physical activity is one of 14 evidence-based, community-wide interventions identified to change the context and improve health and well-being in as few as five years.


-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Impact in 5 Years 


“Elementary or middle schools that added additional physical activity to the school day resulted in a benefit to cost ratio of $33:$1.” 

– Washington State Institute for Public Policy

Local Wellness Policies

Open Community Use

Partnerships for Active Children in Elementary Schools 

School Health Partners 

SC FitnessGram


SC FitnessGram is a statewide movement to evaluate and improve the health-related fitness among public school students in South Carolina. Participating schools annually collect fitness data of students in grades 2, 5, 8 and high school. The findings from this initiative are used to support programs and policies at the state, community and school levels to improve student health from head to heart. 


Learn more about the SC FitnessGram movement

